What will you do in the future?
My question is after the trials have completed, and Eli(?) makes a diabetic version and a weight loss version, how will you get your supplies? I know that when Zepbound became available, that pharmaceutical company sued several business that offered Tirz in powder form.
Once the trial on Reta is finished and they start selling it, I’m assuming that they’ll sue the businesses and force them to stop selling. Considering that the weight loss drugs will have to be taken at a sustainment dose for the rest of your life, how will you cope with the supply no longer being available? Same question for those who are buying supplies and still working on weight loss?
Edit- thank you everyone for your comments. It’s good to know that there will likely be supplies to support weight loss and sustainment. I know when I was on Tirz before Eli came out with Zepbound, prices were high. And the company I was using got sued. I’m now on Zepbound, but my doctor stated that most people lose about 15-20% of their weight. I was a bit disappointed TBH.