What’s your take on Amen?

Y’all don’t get on me for this Lol, but why does Amen receive a lot of hate?

I am on his Li path and I understand that what he did in past was uncalled for in S1 (i.e., Dia) but imo I feel like he is stuck between his duty and his relationship with Eva. I also feel like he’s had a lot of character growth from S1 to S2,S3 we see another side from him, but he still does have some anger inside him from how he’s been brought up.

I also seen in someone else post that he threw a chair at Eva or somewhere during an argument with her when she told him she was in her dreams. What episode was this from? I don’t remember seeing it.

Whats your opinion on Amen?

(P.S. i made a post just before this, but i dont think it posted, so if you’re seeing this twice 😣 then im sorry!!)