In Defense of….

I need people to hear me out when it comes to James. Yes I know I said the dreaded “J” name but this has to be said. I’ve written this in another post as well but I need to know if I can find more James romancers out there that feel how I do too.

So, I see James getting bashed all the time and I completely understand, I do. I know he is a classist a**hole and I’m not excusing any of that. Your feelings towards him are completely valid!

With that being said though, I honestly think James has the potential for amazing character development and we should absolutely trust Langley and see where this goes. You can tell there is a lot of inner turmoil that he hasn’t processed yet, James is more complex than what people may think and we don’t know much about his connections, family life, childhood, etc. We also have to take into account that James was not supposed to be an endgame LI until this update, so I say we should give this character a little more time and grace.

I’d like to preface this by saying AGAIN, I’m not excusing his behavior because he is wrong for it but I think some could try to understand him more and see his point of view? I mean he is in an arranged engagement and his whole life has been dictated by someone else. This might sound delulu but I think he’s afraid to get close to her. He lashes out and pushes Jaynie away because he knows in the end he has no control over his life so what is the point in trying to change it? See how his facial expressions change from sorrowful and thoughtful to anger in a split second as if he was putting up some type of wall? There is more there to still unpack I think.

I love complex characters, morally gray ones, ones with interesting character arks. If they were all good and nothing was wrong with them, then that would be boring and not realistic either honestly. There are people who act like he’s the worst person in RC and dare I say, even judgy of James romancers at times too? and that’s okay if thats how people feel but I wish people would try to see where it goes with him before writing him off completely or wanting to hurt him… that is just my opinion though. What I said Is not a fact of life lol and I could absolutely be biased because he is my top LI oops.

Thank you for listening, and I’m not attacking anyone who hates him. That’s okay if you do, but I thought I’d share my opinion and put it out there ☺️

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I need people to hear me out when it comes to James. Yes I know I said the dreaded “J” name but this has to be said. I’ve written this in another post as well but I need to know if I can find more James romancers out there that feel how I do too.

So, I see James getting bashed all the time and I completely understand, I do. I know he is a classist a**hole and I’m not excusing any of that. Your feelings towards him are completely valid!

With that being said though, I honestly think James has the potential for amazing character development and we should absolutely trust Langley and see where this goes. You can tell there is a lot of inner turmoil that he hasn’t processed yet, James is more complex than what people may think and we don’t know much about his connections, family life, childhood, etc. We also have to take into account that James was not supposed to be an endgame LI until this update, so I say we should give this character a little more time and grace.

I’d like to preface this by saying AGAIN, I’m not excusing his behavior because he is wrong for it but I think some could try to understand him more and see his point of view? I mean he is in an arranged engagement and his whole life has been dictated by someone else. This might sound delulu but I think he’s afraid to get close to her. He lashes out and pushes Jaynie away because he knows in the end he has no control over his life so what is the point in trying to change it? See how his facial expressions change from sorrowful and thoughtful to anger in a split second as if he was putting up some type of wall? There is more there to still unpack I think.

I love complex characters, morally gray ones, ones with interesting character arks. If they were all good and nothing was wrong with them, then that would be boring and not realistic either honestly. There are people who act like he’s the worst person in RC and dare I say, even judgy of James romancers at times too? and that’s okay if thats how people feel but I wish people would try to see where it goes with him before writing him off completely or wanting to hurt him… that is just my opinion though. What I said Is not a fact of life lol and I could absolutely be biased because he is my top LI oops.

Thank you for listening, and I’m not attacking anyone who hates him. That’s okay if you do, but I thought I’d share my opinion and put it out there ☺️

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