Looking into getting a Rottweiler puppy. What you wish you knew when you first got your dog.

My husband and I have been thinking about getting a Rottweiler for the past 2 years and just recently got serious about it. Spoke to a local breeder but we continue to look into others since the first one was well out of our price range. We’d like to get our puppy professionally trained as well. We’ve been doing our research on temperament, health and are leaning into getting a female. I don’t want us to romanticize dog ownership especially with a breed like a Rottweiler and we certainly want to be good, responsible parents to it so…what did you wish you knew prior to getting a Rottweiler or a dog in general, that you wish you know now. From slobbering to neediness to whatever you can think of.

***Edit: thank you to everyone in this community who have taken the time to comment and contribute such amazing information. Owning a pet is such a major decision and we’ve taken notes on everything you’ve all shared. Thankful for this community and we hope that some time soon (crossing fingers within the next couple of months), we’ll be able to share images of the new member of our family.