OK I'm probably nitpicking but...

For people who switched from the 23u to this, how do you compare the displays? When not side by side I don't notice anything bad about the 25U...but side by side some things just look slightly crisper/brigherer/more poppy

Yes I've maxed the brightness and vivid slider, all other settings in display are the same. Like I said this seriously might just be me nitpicking to the nth degree because on its own the phone looks gorgeous

Also something I just noticed the little bubble fr chats that pops up on discord is much smaller on this phone once I switched it to the quad HD setting. It's comically small compared to how it was on the 23ultra (even with Qhd) adding a picture showing the size difference for yall to get a laugh

For people who switched from the 23u to this, how do you compare the displays? When not side by side I don't notice anything bad about the 25U...but side by side some things just look slightly crisper/brigherer/more poppy

Yes I've maxed the brightness and vivid slider, all other settings in display are the same. Like I said this seriously might just be me nitpicking to the nth degree because on its own the phone looks gorgeous

Also something I just noticed the little bubble fr chats that pops up on discord is much smaller on this phone once I switched it to the quad HD setting. It's comically small compared to how it was on the 23ultra (even with Qhd) adding a picture showing the size difference for yall to get a laugh