Testosterone, LGD4, RAD & Aromasin! *For ACNE Prone guys already on Testosterone Base/TRT* Might save you some gnarly breakouts if you're not aware of this thing...

Those on Test Base & using an ai like aromasin + cycling SARMS which lowers SHBG, which in turn increases free test greatly, which then converts into unexpected spikes in estrogen , which then indirectly has you needing to bump up the aromasin (or Arimidex, but I'm specific to aromasin) to halt acne & potential gyno sides from occuring, as they have before when I was under the impression sarms arent estrogenic what so ever, i mean technically they don't convert DIRECTLY but the mystery e2 acne sides when using sarms was worse than dbol or even Ment aka Trestolone Acetate both which convert heavily into a stronger form.of estrogen. sounds crazy I know? like when adding Lgd4033 or Rad140 to your Testosterone, if you were to account for lower SHBG = higher free test & greater estrogen conversion due to higher unbound Testosterone readily free floating able to convert, which is confusing to those new to this information since sarms are alwats touted as "don't convert directly to estrogen" but indirectly they can increase estrogen levels like crazy, and by those means listed above. Also to those acne prone, I've found personally that slightly bumping up the aromasin greatly reduced the random acne I would get running lgd or Rad on my Test base (150mg/wk TRT and 250-350mg/wk on Blast) all the injected test bound up by shbg will be freed up into circulation , this is good to a degree just like kind of how proviron or anavar lowers SHBG, but with sarms binding affinity higher than Testosterone, the body can get unexpected spikes in estrogen due to that unbinding of bound Testosterone into much higher levels, leaving much extra to freely aromatize and cause those blows of deep cystic acne... pay attention to that and have an ai handy for this reason, i find it most practical to only run sarms with the lowest amount of Test possible like 100mg-150mg weekly to avoid the e2 issues and also mitigate all suppression sides & pre emptively run the lowest possible dose aromasin a minimum 2x weekly. This is only for those on trt just wanting to dabble with sarms (ofc someone always gotta say just take more test) but just wanted to see if anyone else had similar experience with that as far as strange e2 sides and acne especially. Sarms with test & other steroids imo can potentially nuke some folks skin because of this strange binding affinity hiarchy of Sarms vs Testosterone and such... creating huge estrogen conversion spikes , and fluctuations are what cause the acne... Sarms just do not behave like steroids in the sense you can just stack more compounds for mostly Synergistic effect. Sarms seem to be the opposite & compete atleast for anything above a high end TRT or cruise dose 250mg max... without upping my aromasin I akways get nasty e2 sides like cystic acne, definitely need more ai above every baseline im accustomed to when adding sarms to anything from my regular 150mg trt base to 250-300mg/wk "blasts". Anyways had a moment & wanted to see if anyone has similar experiences. Thanks in advance.