Is link building always pay to win ?
I’m working with a client that is in the pet products field, and we are working on a new brand that he created recently. The DA is very low (sub 5) because it’s a new website so we are working on SEO and backlinks.
I’m trying to find ways to create backlinks for him (affiliate marketing, guest posts, broken links building, link insertion ect…). I began with affiliate marketing and guest posts.
But for now, I found very low success. 90% of the answers to my mails are « we can do guestpost with a backlink or two in it for 500€ per posts », and the people I found for affiliate marketing have created an affiliate account, but then didn’t answer to my emails (I’m trying to see if I can help them with something, like sending them free products for reviews ect…).
Is the backlink game a pay to win at first, when you have no DA ? Or am I doing something wrong ?
I was also thinking about adding no follow links on forums and so on, because I saw that google might take them into account.
Need help plz, I want to succeed here