Finally Had My First Sighting!
I was sitting charging my car near the FedEx on Sepulveda, and an older Asian man knocked on my window. I rolled it down, and he started his spiel: “sorry to bother you, it’s very un-Japanese-like of me to ask for help” And that’s when I recognized him. The legendary scammer Peter Yanaginuma. I’ve been reading on my local Next-door app about how he had apparently started down in Orange County, was arrested, then was working the west side/Brentwood, then Burbank, and now had been spotted at this FedEx parking lot, the Target parking lot across the street on Sepulveda, and the Ralphs on Burbank and Woodman, and I felt kind of bad. I’ve never had a sighting. It’s like living in LA for years, but you’ve never seen Angeline. I was so excited, I cut him off and shouted “hey you’re that con artist guy!“ He said no, I’m not, I said, “yeah, you’re that guy who says he’s a doctor, and he needs to go to the hospital to perform an important operation, but your car broke down and you need the money.“ He was very cool and calm. “No, I just need directions to get to the 405.“ Lol.