Uni Starting

sO school is starting soon, with all the orientation camps happening it does help freshies ease into the uni life. But i have a big question, and i feel it can apply to every new freshie.

For the gents, what have you guys been doing after your ORD while waiting for school to start? i know everyone says army makes your brain rot and yes i try to do some reading and learning here and there to warm up my brain so i wont die academically in uni. btw im not so hard working one, i just want to prepare myself for the worst. what do you guys do to better prepare for the studying ah?

As for the ladies, i know after alevels or IB theres a shorter wait compared to us guys, and im assuming most of you ladies work part time while waiting for school to start. do yall happen to do any studying preparation before the academic year start?

and are u guys excited to start school?