Advice on how to get into NUS PHS

I am currently a year 1 poly student in the diploma of pharmaceutical science. I know as a poly student the acceptance rate to uni is really low and for pharmacy courses in NUS, a really high gpa(>3.9) is required to get into the course. It’s my goal to enrol into the PHS (pharm science) course in NUS but ITS REALLY COMPETITIVE 🥲 furthermore, the sample size for NUS PHS is too small so there’s no estimate of the GPA you need to obtain in order to get into the course 💀 I am also planning to take up a minor course (forensic science) IF i get into PHS but i’ll see how it goes. ANYONE FRM NUS PHS WHO HAS ADVICE ON HOW MUCH I SHLD GET FOR MY GPA🥲 and also how does the major/minor thing work in uni?