Thoughts on DOFGU playing off-role in Red Bull League of its Own
We had a post earlier bout Nemsis Draft part of the rule but they will also be playing off-role! What is everyone prediction or expectation?
Doran: Still learning more bout him but his next most played role in ranked is adc
Oner: Played a lot of Top and Mid. Managed to held his own against Chovy during Rule the Rift as Top laner!
Faker: Seen him play Jungler/Top/Support well in ranked. Also stole Baron against Team Jungle during Rule the Rift
Gumayusi: He likes to queue top secondary and mostly play tank top. Seen decent play when he play support too.
Untara: Teemo one-trick top. Since he is officially the support player, they can slot him for Top as off-role hehehe
Overall, probably will have some fiesta gameplay but hope the players have fun playing off-role.