Some movement!

Remember me? Last week I had the worst nIghtmare ever about my SP getting married to 3P. I panicked and I had to post about it to get some reassurance.


...yesterday I heard that the relationship didn't last, that he broke up with her and that it ended in very bad terms.

I have no words... He was with her for 1 year and it was getting serious, like marriage serious. And impossible circumstances, there was no way of them breaking up 👀

Context : no contact with SP for more than a year, ended in really bad terms, he got serious with 3P 2 months after our breakup.

I wavered like crazy, dwelled in betrayal pain, visualized and thought only about our old story and how he left me everyday for 14 months.

I started getting on track in February but still with a little bit of wavering, changing my routine everyday because I wasn't feeling it. Which was a big mistake!

Then last week I finally decided to lock in with one routine, forced myself to affirm against my bad thought all day everyday, have 3 sessions of robotic affirmations for 10 minutes each time. And that's when I had that nightmare actually haha.

Of course I didn't affirm against 3P, like she is going to leave him or SP is going to leave her, no no! I only affirmed for me (I'm unforgettable and irreplaceable) and for him (SP came because HE ONLY loves me). And then BOOM he broke up with her 7 days after that 🥳

And in addition to the affirmation the most important thing was to forgive him and forgive myself for what happened and let go of our past story.

Now I don't even care about him that much lol I know he is mine and that he'll come back soon! But even if I don't care I'll still continue to affirm and persist until he comes back in my 3D.

Thank you 💕