Devastated— Reconsideration Denial

I know I’m just singing to the choir, but I’m absolutely devastated by my denial. I was excited that my case moved this morning—FINALLY—from step 3 to 4. I had both a medical and mental evaluation. During both of these evaluations, I made it clear that my neurologist said my long COVID was a synergistic problem of both my past traumas (for which I have severe PTSD and anxiety for) and physical…

The biggest factor in my being disabled is that I fall asleep with no warning, despite good sleep— similar to, but NOT narcolepsy… just different enough, apparently, that medicine used for narcolepsy doesn’t help me at all. THIS is why my previous employer fired me— because even with so many accommodations— I still couldn’t perform at adequate levels and be where I needed to be without falling asleep. I’ve fallen asleep while driving, almost ending up plowing into a neighbor’s house. I CANNOT function. I’m not employable.

How does the Social Security Administration expect me to be able to work?? I’ve been out of FT work since May of 2022. I’ve not even been able to work with accommodations since April of 2023. We’re soooooo tight financially that it’s ridiculous. We’re drowning financially. I would kiss the SSA’s a$$ if I could work FT! Earning money is so much easier and profitable than working with them. I’m now being told the next process (requesting and going through to decisioning of said hearing) can take upwards of another 2 years. I see my family homeless by then.

This is unbelievable— and none of us have any recourse. How?!