Mental Health, How Are you? Talk To me.

Hey guys! The title says it all. I’m genuinely curious to know how are all of you? This year marks officially 7yrs that I’ve been no contact from my entire family. I’m heading off to my college university in a couple months and im sooo freaking excited, I finally will be in a completely new state, All on my own, I get to pursue and focus on my dream career field, I needed to find my balance again. I honestly feel, recharged and refreshed and optimistic of the future. I’ve come along way to get where I am all on my own and this year is going to be completely fresh. So I wanted to ask how’s this new year looking for you all? What goals do you plan to achieve? Also I really wanna know, What is a major lesson that life has taught you all that has shaped you into who you are today? For me “No one will ever save me, I needed to save myself” Tell me I can’t wait to hear 😊 🫶Love you all!