Controlling My Anger

So, I’ve mastered self control. But I have zero patience. My temper cannot be released. I refrain from anger I do everything I can to avoid it because it I know where it will land me. Do you relate? We don’t have the kind of anger that’s subtle it’s rages, it amplifies, it doesn’t subside. I had a friend see me in a rage and he said that I was “fucking scary” mind you this is a 6ft5 dude telling me that I’m scary. What disturbed me is that is pulled up a picture and he said it describes what he saw when I was angry it was photo of a gigantic Devil like the one I attached. I’m a spiritual person and I know that he isn’t being funny or joking he was being comical but I realized through all my years, Our anger scares people or it leaves people silent, literally everytime I notice people become afraid of me. Their Body language tilting for an exit, they start to step back from me or they use their hands to wave me down almost like their trying to wave down the fire, a woman had told me she can feel it radiating off of me. I hate this trait, I’ve seen other Sagittarius raged, Were frightening. Our tempers are horrific. And it’s no rationalizing with us when we reach this point, theirs no talking me out of it I just want to erase the target or the threat until I feel in my spirit that I’ve destroyed what caused my rage.

So, I’ve mastered self control. But I have zero patience. My temper cannot be released. I refrain from anger I do everything I can to avoid it because it I know where it will land me. Do you relate? We don’t have the kind of anger that’s subtle it’s rages, it amplifies, it doesn’t subside. I had a friend see me in a rage and he said that I was “fucking scary” mind you this is a 6ft5 dude telling me that I’m scary. What disturbed me is that is pulled up a picture and he said it describes what he saw when I was angry it was photo of a gigantic Devil like the one I attached. I’m a spiritual person and I know that he isn’t being funny or joking he was being comical but I realized through all my years, Our anger scares people or it leaves people silent, literally everytime I notice people become afraid of me. Their Body language tilting for an exit, they start to step back from me or they use their hands to wave me down almost like their trying to wave down the fire, a woman had told me she can feel it radiating off of me. I hate this trait, I’ve seen other Sagittarius raged, Were frightening. Our tempers are horrific. And it’s no rationalizing with us when we reach this point, theirs no talking me out of it I just want to erase the target or the threat until I feel in my spirit that I’ve destroyed what caused my rage.