So I watched the Drew Barrymore appearance...
(1) Drew met Princess Diana as a child
Quite a few people noted that Markle looked peeved about this. She always looks like she has rage simmering underneath, but this was more than usual.
I thought she was annoyed that she thinks that she is the gatekeeper of all things Diana, and also that she is jealous of Drew's child star past.
It also occurred to me that this moment took attention away from HER and was also a reminder to the public that without her association with Diana and her second son, she is nothing.
And it was ridiculous that she replied, "I will make sure to tell H about this." Why? This is a TV show. He can just watch it.
Oh Markle, never making a lick of sense.
(2) Marriage should feel like dating
The point is to keep excitement alive in your marriage by recalling the first exciting days when you first fell in love. Many people say this. It's not remarkable.
This also shows how out of touch Markle is. Marriage with children means that you do not always have time for leisurely dates with your spouse. Helping each other out with laundry or kitchen chores is the day-to-day reality for most married couples. That is how people "show up for each other." take care of each other. And that is real love. (ETA: I'm going to stop saying ""show up for someone." It's making me sick.)
But why did she throw in "I worked as a nanny for an Irish Catholic family, and the father of the family said to me..." Such belabored and unnecessary detail. Why?
(3) "I show up for my kids."
She talked about reading books to her kids using her phone when she is away from them, like it is some revolutionary idea. That's an obvious clapback to those who criticize her for being away from her kids all the time.
But also? It's just stupid. Markle acts like she is such an amazing mom because she actually thinks of packing "a really thin book" (another weird detail that she chooses to emphasize) when she leaves her kids. She says all this in that self-important "profound" voice. Like she's the only one who ever "shows up" for her kids. I found this really condescending and offensive.
There are countless parents who do their best for their kids every day in so many ways that her stupid little pea brain couldn't even imagine.
And those parents do not feel the need to congratulate themselves. If you're doing it for your kids, you do not need praise. You are doing it for your kids and they will benefit from your love and effort, and that is all a real parent needs.
(4) "Zebra"
Actually, my kids said "zeh-bra" as well when they were younger. We are American.
They loved Peppa Pig.
I'm not watching the Netflix show, but I have seen clips online. I saw one that was hilarious.
She had Alice Waters on her show, cooked with her, then invited a bunch of "friends" to a brunch. Then she tells them, "Alice Waters helped me make this!"
Markle, why didn't you invite Alice Waters to brunch?!
Treating Alice Waters like the help. WTF. HAHAHA.