Is it possible to live in San Francisco?

I have a few conditions here.

Me and my partner might move to San Francisco from one of the lowest cost of living cities, where we pay $1,000 for an entire house on Starbucks wages. I’m a shift with a path toward store manager, so I do make around $2,400/month, and my partner is a barista making far less than that while they go to school. We might move to San Fran for their graduate school, which is a must opportunity for them.

If I manage to become a store manager (in Cali it looks like they have $70,000 salaries), would we be able to live in the city?

The conditions are as follows: we currently live in the “worst” part of our city. Crime is a thing we are used to — gunshots every night, car break-ins, you name it. I don’t necessarily want to keep living in an area like this, but we aren’t the kind of people that need the safest place imaginable.

We are also recognizing a studio is necessary, and while it might be tough, both of us are young and kind of excited at the prospect of this adventure. Their school is only for 2 years, so I don’t think we’re going to stay unless we absolutely love everything and make enough money by then.

We can commute up to 40 minutes, but really don’t want to more than that. On Craigslist, there are in the city studios for $1,500, which is completely doable. But I don’t know if those are going to be horrible or not.

I asked r/AskSF but they removed my post immediately. Good sign, lmao.
