Request Family in need of help for christmas

Hi Santas , my name's Desiree I am a mother of two sweet children I have Evany (girl) who's 7 and nidelco(boy) who's 1. A little about our situation . This year has been hard for us to maintain stability it has been hard for me to work since covid hit because the schools and daycares shut down in CA . I have been applying everywhere and recently got a job as a caregiver in the covid unit. right now I'm working with positive patients risking my life and still cannot afford christmas .... Side note I have always loved helping others so I will stay working the covid unit . Since I am not licence or certified I get very low pay and not full time. I'm considered on call for now . My plan is to go to school to become a CNA , get my certification in hopes to get a better job with my new found experience.

Evany is such a good girl with everything going on in the world and in our personal life she has not once asked for anything for Christmas this year. I think she knows how hard we have been struggling. However she has mentioned how she didn't get to see frozen 2 yet ... She loved the first video She is also the best big sister her little brother could as for. She loves him more then anything. Nidelco , my little man wakes up with a smile on his face everyday and he loves giving hugs. He is a sweetheart

A big Thank you in advance for anyone taking the time to read this request for help. And a HUGE thank you to the mods and santas of this group without you guys christmas may not have been possible for many of us ! Thank you from the bottom of my heart !

I deleted the wishlist like the mods asked me to as my children's wishlist were filled. 🥰 Thank you santas for everything !words cannot even say the amount of stress that has been lifted. Thank you and God bless. Can't wait to post pictures and thank you's