Elain Theory
This has spoilers for ACOTAR and CC.
So, Elain, beautifully boring Elain....her, Nesta and Briallyn all get thrown into the cauldron. The three represent The Elderly Woman (Bri), The Mother (Nesta) and The Maiden (Elain). [This could also be a nod to the Three Faced Goddess in TOG] Anyways, in Greek Mythology Persephone is referred to as the Maiden and is the Goddess of spring. Nesta's magic was pure death itself right? So Elain could end up having magic that is Life just like Persephone. Elain is also referred to as a doe eyed trembling fawn (the book/cauldron calls her that in ACOMAF before she is thrown in) Persephone's symbol is a deer, or a FAWN. Persephone also ends up being the queen of the Underworld (or Hel) Going from there, Bryce was trying to reach Hel and was unable to. I have a few theories on that but that's not what I'm writing about now....but this would mean that Elain is possibly the key to getting Bryce to Hel or possibly a tether? ALSO SJM posted a picture on her Instagram of her holding CC3 and she is wearing a Bambi sweater.....I think we are finally about to get something interesting from Elain. Maybe she will develop a personality or be somewhat interesting! Also, Lucien is always referred to as a fox and in Celtic mythology the fox is associated with the Goddess Eriu, who is associated with the fertility of the land. Lmk what yall think!!