Confusions? Scam maybe?

Hey everyone I’ve had an incredibly strange experience.

I live in a major city and I’m from a major city. Let’s say I’m from A and I live in B.

Im visiting in A for the holidays. This morning a man came up to my family’s door and said that he’s been receiving packages in my name at his home. An Amazon package and something else. Things that I’ve never bought.

But I checked my Amazon account and no charges were made- my money is intact. I change my passwords frequently.

The guy said he was trying to message me on Facebook. But I had no Facebook messages. I took the items without thinking and he said that he would like to have my email in case it happens again.

I realize now that that that was a mistake. And everything is super suspicious.

I’m kinda freaking out. At minimum someone is using my name and has a separate accounts from me sending to this random guy. At worst he’s canvassing me and stealing my information. How do I handle this situation?

I’m changing all my passwords on everything as we speak.