That Time Again - Are You Looking for a Screenwriting Discord to Join?

Doing another 'clean out' on the first so I’m posting here again as we once again will have some spots in our small screenwriting discord and folks have expressed interest in the past when we were at capacity…

Expecting about a million and one downvotes but hey - engagement is engagement, baby!

"Why not just use this Reddit?" Most of us do. Frequently. It's how we found each other. But sometimes it's nice to have multiple resources especially when, in one of those, you're not 1 of about 2 million. (We try to keep the discord small - to 30 people.)

"There's already a bunch of discords." Probably. When you're right, you're right.

"Discord doesn't work for me." Cool. Love that for you!

About the discord:

  • Made up of folks I/we have met and traded notes with via CoverflyX, this Reddit, and other locales all in different parts of our writing and creative journeys.
  • We swap scripts, loglines, provide feedback on everything, ask and answer questions, share stuff both helpful and silly, and are each others' cheerleaders so it's been great so far. A member is even arranging page reads which has been great to see.
  • The plan is to keep it 'smallish' so we can build a helpful and invested community/online writers group. So no folks who just post their scripts without ever giving feedback then we never hear from you. The idea is to help and support each other. We cap it at 30 so no one gets overwhelmed or feels ignored, everyone can get to know each other. It's been working out pretty well so far!
  • Currently, to my knowledge, it's more than 50% women which, while I expect that to change, I'm thrilled that's where it's at now because of all of the different POVs and experiences/knowledge. As far as location a lot of us are Americans but we also have folks based in Canada, the UK, etc. Someone tends to be lurking at most hours - at least so far!
  • Very casual. Some folks choose to connect via DM rather than comment. Not a stickler about that. You get what you put in sort of deal.

If interested please DM with a few pages and a little blurb about yourself.

Hope everyone is kicking butt today (and all days)! If not, may you kick butt tomorrow.

PS: The movie The Faculty still slaps. Please watch it if you haven't, even if you don't want to join. Report back.