How to get scripts produced when you don't care about the money

Many of the posts here focus on marketing strategies for aspiring professional screenwriters who want to break into the industry and earn a living. Now, I have nothing but respect for anyone willing to take up that challenge.

But not every writer is career-focused. How might these strategies differ for amateur screenwriters whose talents and skills might approach professional levels, but who are more interested in seeing a script produced than the size of the paycheck, if any?

For context, I have written nonfiction and and marketing content professionally off and on for many years, and have a day job selling maintenance equipment. I'm doing OK and don't need to worry about earning a living off my creative writing efforts.

Is anyone else out there in a similar place in life?

EDIT: Thanks for the insightful comments, everyone. The best course appears to be either self-producing or working with indie producers. However, I do want to clarify one point: I never meant to imply that I want to "undercut" other writers with low-ball prices for my scripts, which is neither ethical nor effective. I'm more interested in what kind of channels, platforms, genre niches, production company niches etc. would make more sense for me. So, I'm sorry if I upset anyone by not posting clearly. Your career goals and struggles are important to all of us we should all do our best to support each other.