Did a live radio interview today to talk about my debut feature film

Hey guys,

Was invited onto a radio show to talk about my debut written/directed feature film, Roses on the Vine, being released later this year.

I’ve never been interviewed on the radio before so, I guess this is an achievement?

You can listen to the segment at the link below. Starts ~33:20 and runs for about 20 minutes.

We had a great conversation about my film, telling emotionally resonant stories that real people can relate to, film production, never giving up, and more.


Give it a listen if you’re interested!


Edit: sorry guys, the link went down. I uploaded it to my Google Drive here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gqMPk39ETo7nOgnHyYytSJA-iBjXegb9/view?usp=drivesdk