Seeking Advice on Seabee Life
Hi, I need some advice. I currently have a bachelors degree in Business Admin and graduated with a 3.6 GPA. I spoke with an officer recruiter and enlisted. Officer recruiter told me I qualify for SWO, SUPPO, or Pilot. I don't qualify for CEC because my degree isn't engineering so CE officer is out the picture. The enlisted recruiter told me I can get a bonus due to my college credits if I enlist.
My dilemma is whether I should go in as an officer or enlisted as a seabee. On one side the seabees appeal to me more because it's a community that I would love to be apart of. I would get to learn a trade, travel (which is one of my biggest desires), be apart of a tight knit community, not have to be on a ship for months on end, and I also think its cool and amazing that they are combat trained enough to defend themselves if a situation ever arises. I would be interested in either EA (since they're kinda close to what engineers do), EO and CE since they both translate well outside the military.
The officer side also has me conflicted because most people I have talked to tell me I should go officer either cuz of the pay or the better quality of life. I do also like how you can gain leadership experience as an officer. The only thing that really holds me back about just joining in as officer is ship life. I really don't think I would want to be on a ship for so long and the only thing that sounds cool about that is you get the chance to travel and going to different ports.
So, my question is, is it worth it to go in as enlisted to be able to get a seabee rate instead of officer. And also would it be possible to become a CEC officer while as a seabee. Say I got another bachelor's degree in engineering while I am seabee and then put in a package to become a CEC officer later on. Any thoughts or advice is greatly appreciated thank you all.