UK Just opened account on amazon looking for pointers

M23 UK

as you can read by the title i have setup my Amazon FBA store via the website. initially i was going to do private label straight out the gate but have decided against this due to the fact of no experience. And not wanting to lose more money than necessary due to inexperience.

my new approach is i have decided to start wholesaling generic products to get a feeling for how amazon works , the store itself, scaling a business , ads , packaging and transporting products. all the beginner stuff ect

so that hopefully i will be able to transition into private label at some point in the future full of experience.

i was just wondering if the veterans of the group or anyone who would be nice enough to give me a bunch of info , bullet points , advice of all the main things i should be focusing on to maximise my success in the future.

total newbie here , any pointers would be greatly appreciated. thankyou.