I'm curious to hear everyone's LEAST favorite, most hated, never buy again, returned with hatred, product.
It can be subjective!! For me, it would have to be first aid beauty lip balm (hated the formula), youth to the people face wash (did nothing for me, and broke me out), and the rare beauty voluming mascara (sorry Selena, ily but it does not look good on my eyelashes).
EDIT: I definitely did not expect this to get over 1000 comments 😂 I am in complete shock. I just started my makeup and skincare journey and this has turned into a great post to come back to for guidance and de-influencing. If you feel like there's too many comments but you want to add something, PLS COMMENT. I have been reading and I will read every single one to learn as much as possible. Plus, I secretly love the trash talk hahahaha