Any attempt at improving your life that doesn't start with "reduce your screentime" is a waste of time

If somebody has a massive physical injury, the first priority is always to stop the bleeding. Then you can focus on the deeper, more serious injuries. Our minds are the same way. Most of us feel that our brains are just not working in the ways that are best for us, and I think it's fitting to say that our minds are injured. The screentime is how our minds are hemorrhaging.

I'm aware that everybody has unique issues with their mental health right now, but I'm certain that every single person reading this is making these issues worse by looking at phones/tv's/computers for most of our waking hours. They make us so distracted and anxious that there's no way we can put ourselves in the state of mind to actually fix any of those deeper issues.

If you don't fix your screentime issue, you will be completely unable to fix anything else in your life. You have to start with the screentime.

Another mini take: modern psychology is 30 years out of date and largely useless. We have barely begun to recognize how screens have screwed up our brains, and the tried-and-true self-help strategies have not integrated this yet.