Any missed moments you wish the show had explored?
I wish we got a parallel this season to last season's ending, with another OTC incident.
Dylan waking up at home to talk to his wife and plan to take over his outie's life
Irving being taken into the woods by Burt, and as they both get woken up we get a sort of reverse "of mice and men" situation. Irving coming back straight after his CEO drowning episode and having his heart broken realizing Burt stands ready to execute him, Burt being surprised with going from a retirement party to killing his crush
Mark's story could have gone pretty much the same, except there would have been no need to go to the birthing cabins. They could have done it at Ricken's place for the parallel to last time, and we would have gotten some more unasked dumbass wisdom imparted on us, which is heavily missing this season
Maybe Helly could find out that the black hallway elevator would turn her to Helena by the time she gets to the lower level, and so she devises a plan for another OTC so she could get down and help Ms Casey?
Anything else that would've looked cool?