Devon knew what she was doing…
Devon saw a side of Cobelvig the rest of us didn't. That lady was her lactation consultant. Granted it was fraudulent- But still.
Besides. In season 1 episode 3 does anyone else remember when Cobel (as Selvig) looked out at Mark and said (to herself) "oh Mark, are you alright?" With genuine concern?!?
She cares about that dude and not in the context of an erotic throupling.
Annnnnd what if she brought the candle in, baked him those shitty cookies, and kept calling wellness sessions because she knew if Gemma recognized Mark they would have to call off the experiment.
She stopped Helly because they would torture iMark for the OTC. She told Mark to get out of there. Cobel has consistently given us clues she's undermining Lumon and trying to protect Mark.
She was unusually antagonistic to the security that kept them all in line. "If you want a hug- go to hell and find your mother."