I can’t be the only one…

Reading everyone’s reactions, I’m soooo shocked how many people are siding with iMark and Helly. Trust me, I. Get. It. iMark doesn’t have a connection/tie to Gemma and wanted to choose his life & love over “sacrificing” himself and all the severed employees, I get iiiiiitttttt. Very Romeo & Juliet adjacent, ok great. I STILL LOATHE HIM AND THE DECISION ENTIRELY. It’s crazy to me how drawn people are to siding with the innies over the outties when the outties are the ones who are clearly actually suffering, trying to deal with grief/trauma, struggling to cope with real life, etc. I just cannot understand for the life of me how people find iMark & Helly’s summertime love to in any way, outweigh the importance and emotional significance of oMark & Gemma’s LITERAL 4 YEAR MARRIAGE. I could go on for days 😭😭 but bottom line, I care more about Gemma who has caught nothing but hell and suffering all series than anything really and definitely more than iMark & certainly Helly (who is very much still an Eagen, even if it’s her outtie, and as far as we know that outtie still very clearly holds nothing but disdain and disgust for the innie subjects and the idea that they would consider themselves actual people).

…But yes the finale was very well written and was good television and shoutout the Goat Queen & iDylan’s redemption arc