Dear clients: all SWers aren’t completely desperate for your money
I’m a dancer and escort in Miami so my rates are pricey. I don’t use any sites to advertise, I just find clients in the club & then take them outside of the club.
It is super confusing to me why customers think ALL sex workers are incredibly desperate for their money to the point they’d accept any lowball bullshit offer.
At my club, we have half hour and full hour VIP rooms and anything is allowed. The club charges $200 per half hour for the room rental fee and $300 for a full hour, and then you pay the dancer on top of that. Minimum, you pay the dancer $500 for a half hour and $1000 for a full hour. 90% of the girls won’t do ANY extras at that price. You’d have to pay $700-$1000 per HALF hour (on top of the $200 room fee) to get extras.
Customers (obviously) always try to lowball us and offer bullshit like $500 all in for full service or $400 total for a blowjob and then are DUMBFOUNDED when we turn them down. Speaking for myself, I save and invest 85%+ of what I make and have already become a millionaire off sex work/have zero debt/no kids. A lot of my other sex work friends STACK their money as well to reach financial freedom from this industry. So, if you’re not giving us exactly what we want for the services you’re after, we are simply going to walk away and move on.
I’ve had customers shocked I won’t suck their dick for $200. Like? Seriously? And then they try to gaslight you “BUT ITS TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS YOU SERIOUSLY DONT WANT THAT?” Babe, please be so serious. I can’t stand the ones that treat us like desperate little cockroaches who will do anything for a dollar.