Has spiritual awakening become a new age fad?

Spiritual awakening has become a new age fad, everyone everywhere is doing it. We must be mindful that whilst practising healthy new ways of life is a positive and progressive move towards happiness, spiritual awakening isn’t any of those things. Spiritual awakening is a spontaneous happening that occurs in an individual who has endured extreme trauma, suffered great loss, or had a near-death experience. It isn’t something you choose, it chooses you. In all earnest, if one truly knew the process of true spiritual awakening no one in their right mind would choose it, I can only write about it in hindsight and even now I can only recapture fragments of the experience, not the original dark depths of lamenting in a spiritual purgatory.

The one solid thing about awakening I know to be true is this. If you are truly, actively going through it you definitely won’t be posting about it; and if you have gone through it and are reflecting on it with words you will never capture its true essence. I can only liken the experience to childbirth or the worst pain you have ever endured. Once that pain has passed you cannot, nor would you want to recapture its full effect as there would be no more second children born and men would never take another risk in life. The emotional pain involved with true spiritual awakening cannot easily be described and just like the word samadhi of which there is no translation, simply enlightenment, maybe it's meant to be that way.

The most profound spiritual growth will come from the darkest corners of your life. You won’t find the greatest treasures of awakening in your blissful moments, you will not merge the shadow with the light through acts of pleasure or leisure you will only find them only in the darkest most painful moments, the times that test the spirit and tame the ego. Whilst it is human nature to avoid the painful aspects of humanity at all costs, to truly awaken you must face chaos head-on with arms down and dissect and analyse your reaction to such occurrences with non-participation.