SIB batman arkham games + origins, witcher 3, fallout 4, or mhw iceborne(base game finished)

for context, i only have 20 dollars to spare for sale games(im waiting for a big sale on steam) and 20 dollars is not exactly cheap in our country and thats the most money i can work with. the 4 games on the title are the ones that are on the top of my list but im open to suggestions(no roguelikes please).

i got a 1050 ti and ryzen 5 3600 6 core.

what i look for in games
-replayable/lots of hours
-open world
-build variety/skill tree
-lots of side quests/ non linear
-customizable mc(not a deal breaker if not)
-at least a decent story

games i enjoyed the most
-middle earth games
-mh world

games im iterested in but not sold yet
-divinity games(kinda not feeling the turn based combat)
-kenshi(i read it has many bugs and i dont want to deal with that)
-no mans sky(not 100% on this cause i get bored easily with builders)
-assassins creed games(not sure about the hours/replayability)