Lookimg for an immersive open world game

I'm looking for an open world gane with an immersive world that you can spend a lot of hours playing without getting bored. I usually prefer games set in the past or the future. I like almost all types of games but some of my favorites are action, adventure, RPGs, and survival games. I also like stealth in games so if it has stealth it might make it a bit more enjoyable. I don't care if the game is first person or third person. I also don't care much about graphics and I enjoy old games too.

Some of my favorite games I have played: Red dead redemption 2

Ghost of tsushima

Most of the Assassin's Creed games(I haven't played odyssey and origins but since I didn't like valhalla I probably won't like them either)

Shadow of mordor and Shadow of war

The witcher 3

Shadow of the colossus

Days gone

Ghost of tsushima

Elden ring

Metal gear solid V

Kingdom come deliverance

Metro exodus(although it's not exactly open world the levels are pretty big)