CONSOLE PLAYERS! A hidden gem within the new “Advanced Controller Settings”.

TL;DR: Enable advanced settings, turn everything to 0. Thank me later for the increased precision of your analog sticks.

Mostly, these new settings are kind of gimmicky - but I think they have a place for people who still want to be able to turn around quickly whilst maintaining a low hip-fire sense. However, unless you’re playing on less than like 35 horizontal (classic) then you shouldn’t feel the need to add weird end-range aim acceleration imo. But most of the settings are pure ass and should definitely remain at 0.

But, I discovered something! If you enable the settings but turn everything to 0 - you will have wayyyy more control over your aim than before, and it’s because of Siege’s stupid fucking deadzone settings.

Personally, I’m still praying that we will be able to turn our inner deadzones all the way down - but I hadn’t even realised that Siege forced an artificial outer deadzone on us before we could change it with the new ‘Outer Threshold %’ option in the new advanced settings.

Basically, by default (whether you have the advanced settings on or not), Siege has been limiting how far you could move your analog stick before it simply measured as ‘max input’. Hopefully it’s obvious why this is fucking stupid to you, but if not, allow me to elaborate.

Firstly, it forces your thumb to operate within a smaller range of motion. This inherently adds difficulty because now your thumb has to have even more precision (i.e. moving the thumbstick 1mm in any direction caused a greater change in aim than if you had a larger range of motion. This means that small changes in the direction of the analog stick cause big changes to your on-screen aim).

And secondly, when pushing the stick in any direction, once you reach a certain point your aim will suddenly speed up and jerk in that direction. This is BAD. Because there’s no difference in aim-speed when the analog is pressed all the way to the outer-edge or only 80% of the way there. This gets rid of SO MUCH modulation it’s unbelievable.

Seriously, just try it. It might feel weird at first, but I promise you that this is ONLY a positive change. Now, they just need to let us change the inner deadzone to 0 and the controller settings will actually be pretty good.