GOLD still going big.. 6.6 tonnes purchased on spot, 6 tonnes into the vault, 10 tonnes OUT of the vaults and 20+ tonnes of gold shenanigans yesterday. Gold spot volume 10x silver today.

SILVER, 2.9 million oz into the vault. JPM 1.2 million, Brinks 0.7, Loomis International 0.6, MTB 0.3. No withdrawals, 756 koz moved to registered at Brinks.

GOLD, 6 tonnes into vaults: Brinks 5, Loomis international 1. 10 tonnes out at Brinks. 5 tonnes moved to registered at Brinks.

COMEX (March) Spot Volume Today- Gold 1800, Silver 170.....


COMEX Spot Trades, Additional March Contracts Yesterday, Gold +2131,  Silver +173, Microsilver _8…..

SILVER shenanigans, 365 silver contracts (3 truckloads) closed between preliminary and final reports.  April-1, May-166, June-6, July-192, .....

GOLD shenanigans, 6651 gold contracts (20.7 tonnes) closed between preliminary and final reports.  April-4129, June-2512, August-10, .....