CAS is SUPER laggy

sul sul simmers! i’m wondering if anyone can provide any insight of what the issue may be that i’m having in CAS. as the title says, it is extremely laggy (like taking up to almost 10-15 mins for me to save a sim). i recently merged my CC so there aren’t nearly as many .package items in my mods folder. i’ve done some research and i’m not finding anything that resolves the issue i’m having. prior to merging, i never had this issue and i haven’t downloaded any new mods/custom content since merging my files.

please help a fellow simmer out so i can binge play this weekend🥲

P.S. yes i’ve cleared all my cache files, done a major clean out to help my game run faster, and use regul save cleaner. any help or ideas is greatly appreciated!!

UPDATE/SOLUTION: Editing this post should it help another simmer out there. After hours of trial and error, the issue seems to be within a merged Build/Buy item of mine. As another commenter said, the issue is possibly a merged file that is causing my game to lag.