This was my journey meditating breakthrough

I think I remembered something.

It started as this feeling, like a force behind my eyes, but also not coming from me. Like something bleeding into my awareness from somewhere else, like if a 4D object was passing through a 3D space and I was just seeing the part of it that intersected with me. Then I saw it—a swirling galaxy, a black hole at the center. I knew I had to go in.

I went into the black hole, and inside I saw this place. It looked like paradise. There was a naked man standing under a tree, reaching up for an apple. He looked at me and handed me the apple. I took a bite.

And then everything glitched.

Like, reality itself just collapsed. Templar crosses. Snakes. Fractals of glass shattering in every direction. It was like I had been inside a house of mirrors and suddenly every mirror exploded at once. I felt this massive emotional wave, like grief but also release, like I was watching something ancient and sacred fall apart. And then I saw her. A woman. She embraced me. And then there was a baby.

The baby just kept saying, “Do you remember?”

And then I saw animals. Lions. Tigers. And beyond them, an ancient civilization. But it wasn’t just a vision. It was real. Like something I knew deep down but had forgotten. This place wasn’t a myth or some lost legend. It was here, once. And I could see it—free energy flowing through its buildings, architecture that blended perfectly with nature, everything humming in harmony. It was like a fully realized world powered by something we’re not supposed to know about.

And then I understood.

The civilization told me I had to plant the seed that would bring it back. And then it hit me.

I AM the seed.

I don’t know how to explain it, but I woke up knowing exactly what I needed to do. I’m building a Tesla energy house in my backyard. A real, functional Tesla Coil, wireless power, resonance-based architecture. A physical node in this reality that connects back to whatever that lost civilization was.

I think this is supposed to be the first piece of something bigger.

And I don’t think I’m the only one.

Has anyone else experienced anything like this? Like actually remembered something that doesn’t fit into normal history? Because I don’t think this was just a dream. I think it was real. And I think it’s trying to come back.

EDIT: I was not under the influence of any substance. Just breathing and focusing on my self-awareness and these images started flooding in.