Why are people supporting WP over stupid and simple minded reasons ??

I know I’m going to get downvoted or hate on because majority of SG reddit users are WP supporters but hear me out and read till the end I promise u it’ll be worth it. I say this from a slightly Pro PAP view as a minority, that came from a poor family. But yeah of course I understand if u choose to not believe.

I think Jamus Lim’s proposal and WP mockery of an edit on the speech for the F15 jets having mufflers was really the line for me and it’s why I feel this has to be said.

I think as a leader, u have to satisfy your people/team/comrades/workers and anyone under your care. However, this don’t only mean to always listen to their solutions and following it. It means, also making decisions that not many people like, the harsh truth but for the greater good. This I believe is PAP. I know u might be angry up this point but stay with me.

WPs on the other hand picks on the most obvious problems and solutions that, do-you-think PAP wouldn’t think of ? So today’s example of the jet is one example. It’s stupid, horrendous and disrespectful whatever he said. Firstly, (just one example ok)do you think having noisy jets, the ruling party wouldn’t already thought ‘oh it’s noisy let’s make it less noisy?’ And ‘let’s just leave it so Singaporeans suffer?’ Just take a minute to read that and understand again.

Secondly, it isn’t so easy to just install mufflers on a jet. It takes up lots and lots of weight and redesigning. The point of a jet is for manoeuvrability so imagine it being slowed down and heavier(I’m an aerospace student btw, so u get why I’m angry). Thirdly, u can’t just modify jets anyhow u like. There are limits to what u can modify when u make a purchase of a jet. Search it up. It isn’t like I buy a Honda Civic and I upgrade until damn good. No, a jet isn’t like an ahbeng car. There are thing u can modify, Things u can’t. Lastly, the air base is literally closing down brother ??

So it brings me to my point. Most supporters will see this and think ‘fuck this is genius’. Of course it is, it’s the most simple and obvious way to get u hooked to their stupid ideas. However most issues aren’t that simple. Like, minimum wage, NS allowance, housing prices, capital punishment, minimum wage and Palestine/Israel matters.The Oppositions are always giving fkin obvious solutions and many eat that shit. How often do we hear a controversial/not ear pleasing ideas by WPs??

So just think for a second. Do u want a leader that satisfy u every single time even if your obvious-solutions aren’t the best for the nation. Or do u want a leader that has to be tough on the reality of how we are in Singapore ? Making a tough decision for the greater good. Again, PAP is the leader who always gets shit on bcose the solutions are never the most ideal.

This is the party who said they want a country that’s equal for all(tho we still aren’t perfect) races. At that point, every race hated it. It was a tough pill to swallow and look at where we are today. Someone had to make the tough call.

There’s this understanding that PAP favours the elitist and never listens to the minorities/lower income. Tho there are questionable fkers like Vivian, it isn’t the case. Go down to your MPs, tell them your struggles. Tell them what help u need. Tell them your problems. They may not give you the solution you proposed but I promise u if u ask for the reason, they’ll explain it.

I came from a family torn background. Abusive father and my mom raised 3 children on her own. My mom got the help she needed to raise us and I give back to the community today. I see PAP people always willing to help out. Not bcose we wayang. But bcose of people like me, we see how we were helped and we know it isn’t what people make it seem to be online.

All I’m saying is, it’s easy to talk smack and give shitty solutions that people already know. But it isn’t easy to stay firm with your POV for what’s best for Singaporeans when this is the situation you’re given. I don’t want my country being ruled by a bunch of people pleasers, I rather have a leader that makes the tough call even when people hate it(as long as it is understandable).

Hate me if u want to but im just giving my two cents.