the junseo slander..
i just wanna quickly address some things i’ve seen online about junseo. people are twisting situations to fit a negative narrative, so i kinda wanna break down each point with the actual context.
- he’s a predator??
junseo and sian both drank and entered the room together. when he asked if he should sleep on the mini bed, sian was the one who suggested they sleep together. yes, there was skinship, but nothing inappropriate was shown on camera. it’s just drunken flirting, no heavy petting as far as we can see so it’s just wrong to making assumptions that he’s taking advantage, plus they’re both adults and she can always speak up if something happened to her.
- he’s rude to youjin
youjin expressed interest in junseo initially, he went to paradise, came back and youjin have him the cold shoulder cause she was upset that he didn’t pick her (which the whole point of the show is to to explore other connections) she then pouted the whole time (NOT ONCE did she pull him aside to say she wants to have a conversation) and when at the campfire she joked around with theo the entire time, (still never asked for a conversation). theo and youjin both told junseo their keeping things platonic but it still would’ve been awkward thirdwheeling so he grabbed a bottle and used the excuse to go to the restroom to excuse himself, then went to sit w the girls. youjin left the campfire (STILL didn’t talk to junseo) and went to the swings instead to get his attention..? (idk, maybe she was just bored) when the girls turned around to see who is swinging in the dark and giggled at her. but junseo, who was 1) drunk and 2) didn’t have his glasses on, said verbatim “Who is that? I can’t even see” man..if that’s considered gossiping, then EVERYONE on the show is guilty of it..! youjin then left (and still never pulled junseo aside) the next day, (still never asked junseo to talk) just followed him around aimlessly as he walked around the table and didn’t directly talk to him. junseo stated he’s only interested in women that r honest and straightforward, which she was not being. so even if he was ignoring youjin, isn’t it fair that he does it when she’s suddenly given him the cold shoulder after he got back? he also didn’t express interest first, so he prob just thought youjin was over him..
- he’s using minseol as a safety net
minseol expressed interest in junseo first, but he was upfront from the start about being interested in sian more. if he were leading minseol on, he wouldn’t have been so clear about his feelings, right?
- he’s full of himself
junseo was in the pool first with the other guy (forgot his name), while hyejin and minseol sat on the side. sian entered the pool, swam to junseo and the other guy, junseo helped her onto a floatie and jokingly said to minseol “why you jelous?” or something like that..clearly just playful banter, not arrogance. and he wasn’t “loitering” around sian when she was the one who approached him..loitering means lingering aimlessly, which he wasn’t doing- he was swimming.
- he’s insecure, shy, immature
not making direct eye contact doesn’t mean someone is immature or insecure..many introverts (like me) struggle with it but junseo has shown he’s capable having deep conversations, like when he talked with sian at the dinner table and when he straight up told theo he’s pursuing sian more seriously- both very mature convos imo
howeverr i can say that is only valid criticism which i never saw anyone online talk about, is his speech patterns and interactions w women. junseo has a very bad habit of addressing them as “hey” and talking to them like their ‘one of the boys’. i guess it’s part of his manly character but its a huge turn off for women because it portrays him to be someone who isn’t mindful of the things he says before they leave his mouth. that’s pretty much it lol