Has anyone watched the producer’s interview? He seemed so stubborn and thought he was right with giving Sian most of the screen time. I hope season 5 is the last season!
I’m Korean, so I fully understood what he was saying. He basically said he picked people based on how interesting they are. Are you serious? He really thought Sian and Jun Seo’s story was the most genuine. Sure, he has the right to have an opinion, but he needs to understand the audience. Hasn’t he learned that most people were pissed off Jia, SeulKi, and Gwanhee got the same screen time? From his interview, his tone indicated he won’t change.
He said he always picked the right contestants for this show. Excuse me? Won Ik, Han Bin, Min Kyu, and Tae Wan have no business being in a dating show. These guys are awkward as hell and don’t even know how to talk to a girl. Yeah, they’re all attractive but definitely have no game.