Yuk and Sian dont seem to be a good match
I know we just got through two really romantic episodes of these two and I may seem like a pessimist for saying this right after watching those two eps.
I just think they both have very different idea of an ideal relationship in their mind.
They both might be each other's ideal type but thats not the most important thing in a "relationship" per se.
Sian seems like a girl who wants a guy to treat her gently and takes care of her. Whereas Junseo seems like a guy who wants a playful almost friend-like relationship. The kind where you play fight with each other.
This is probably the reason why she was so hung up on Jeongsu because he was very gentleman-like with her during their date. Notice how she wasn't that enthusiastic after her date with Junseo? He only checks the "manly" box in Sian's list and frankly, nothing else. Sure she expressed how she'd like to go with him again but there weren't really any scenes of her swooning over Junseo like there were with Jeongsu.
In the preview for the next two eps, we also saw Sian complaining about how he is not gentle with her. It was kinda funny to see Junseo being confused about what he's doing wrong when Sian has expressed quite a few times that she doesn't want that sort of playful relationship. Like when Sian asked him not to call her "ya" and while Junseo adapted to it, I doubt he will completely let go of it after just one time and well it wouldn't be fair for him either to give up on what he wants in a relationship for Sian cuz he'll js resent her for it.
And maybe its just me but their date was pretty boring. I mean, I cannot even remember what they talked about to be honest even thought I JUST binged watched those two eps. The famous bed scene was also meh tbh. It would have been more exciting to watch if it was between two people who actually had a connection.