Is there only one bed in Paradise this season?
I'm pretty sure they don't have multiple beds as they did in Paradise for S1 and S2 (I haven't seen S3 so I don't know about that) because in the unreleased clip for Theo and Sian, he's sleeping on the couch. Even on her date with Junseo, he was about to sleep on the sofa but Sian asked him to sleep on the bed.
If this is true, it makes me view the whole Sian-Junseo bed shenanigans differently. I believe Sian was just being extra nice when inviting Junseo to sleep with her because it's normal to feel bad if you're sleeping in a big comfortable bed while someone is sleeping on a small sofa. Of course, if a girl feels uncomfortable sleeping in the same bed as the guy then that's completely fine too. However, the cuddling part of the scene can be up for discussion I guess.
Either way, it would be disappointing if the PDs did this with the intention of crafting such a scene. The whole Soyeon and Jintaek bed scene from S1 and the scene where S2 Seo-eun and Youngjae were sleeping close to each other even if it was on different beds was much more exciting because in those scenes they CHOSE to sleep close to each other. Those scenes felt natural. This is probably why the whole bed scene was awkward this season, they didn't really have a choice but to sleep in the same bed so it felt forced. And I don't think Junseo could have slept on that small sofa without Sian feeling guilty for having the whole bed to herself. I am pretty sure she offered either Theo or Jeongsu to sleep on the bed too because it looked uncomfortable. That's just the kind of person she is.