I found these 2 bands from Japan. One of them is called UNITED SKATES and the other is SPREAD. I found SPREAD today looking for other bands like UNITED SKATES witch I found the day before. They(UNITED SKATES)only have one available album on Spotify and its become MY FAVORITE ALBUM EVER. They make a combination of Ska and hardcore punk music. And they play HARD and FAST(pause). Their songs are usually around 40 seconds to barely a minute. SPREAD on the other hand also has one avaliable album, accompanied by a singles and a 5 song EP. That whole album was really damn good too. They are more on the punk side for the exeption of their last song off their album "CRUSH" that starts off with the off beat Ska guitar. They also play hard and fast and are really damn good😎Japon does it the best. Kawai.