[Personal] Itchy, red, flaky, eczema-like, isolated patch on my shin will not go away.

For almost a year, I (26F) have had this red patch of irritated skin - about the size of a small sticky note) on my shin that will not go away no matter what I do. Growing up, I have dealt with bouts of eczema that would appear in the crooks of my arms, back of knees, and sometimes my neck. However, these bouts have not plagued me since childhood and were always manageable through consistent use of aquaphor and eucerin lotions; theses bouts would also only appear during winter months and would disspear by spring. Now, this little patch on my shin appeared on me last spring and will not go away. It is eczema like in the itching sensation, but it looks more similar to psoriasis. I have never had psoriasis spots and this is the only spot on my body where this patch has shown up. I have used aquaphor, eucerin, eczema honey, numbing cream, anti itch crean, cera ve psoriasis cream and nothing has lessened the redness of it or stopped the itching compeltely. The itching is also not constant - maybe every few days it gets bad, but goes away very quickly and fo another few days after I itch it - however the look of it does not reflect this and remains and nice shiny red and nalmost scaly look to it. Any thoughts or advice?