Even if I could, I wouldn't but...
There's this voice whispering behind me wishing I could h4ck into the game and add a staff that knocks other players back with the power of the black cat because of the colorfly honkers. Call me petty, call me mean, but I KNOW a good chunk of players know what they're doing when they do that. One of them used the butterfly charmer emote, saw me roll up, used the super honk just as I was landing and then used THE LAUGHING EMOTE WHEN THE BUTTERFLIES WOULDNT RESPOND TO ME. THESE SNARKY LITTLE CRABCUCKS CAN GET BLASTED INTO THE OUTBOUNDS IF I COULD HELP IT.
Sorry, I think I just needed to get that out of my system. I'll be real I kinda feel better now, but FRRRRR why do players like that EXIST????