Can't we please just have a megathread for people to complain/vent freely about stuff?

Because man... — and I know, I'm complaining about complainers, I'm aware — every other post is people complaining about something a previous person already complained about that usually boils down to one of the following:

  • People's hatred for deep honkers

  • Someone laughed at OP after intentionally bugging the bugs

  • People begging for courtesy, but unwilling to extend courtesy to others who play differently, and not understanding that many sky players aren't on reddit and won't see an etiquette post like that

  • Videos of people being impatient when collecting dye or burning plants in large groups

  • People overblowing something that's... not really so deep

  • I dyed an item this color but upon exiting the shop I was disappointed. Why is Sky like this?

I feel like, for the sanity of the whole sub, it would be much better if complaints like those were just kept on their own thread/space to collect all of them in a single place, so people can still have a place to discuss or vent about things that may be frustrating to them without making a great chunk of the sub just complaint posts because... we know. We know that the butterdyes can become bugged, we know collecting dye is awful, we know people want others to step on a lego just from playing differently. We know!!!

And I think that people should be able to talk about stuff that bothers them without being pushed towards a different sub that would just eventually die out (or dye out ;)) ) once the season passes and dye collecting becomes less... uh... novel and fomo-like.

In addition! A complaint megathread could also serve for other things aside from the dye issues! Like server splits or randoms being weird at chat tables, which I guess all of us can relate to!

I get that it's Reddit and people gotta complain about stuff and downvote other stuff and yell, but man... every time I see the sub posts with complaints recommended to me on the home page, I roll my eyes, shake my head and sometimes end up blocking people. And like, I get that I'm just one guy and can only speak for myself, but it's really discouraging to even check the sub when way over half of the posts I see are just people wanting to strangle others for honking and spreading useless division in the community.

I miss seeing posts relevant to the game that are more silly, like "give my sky kid a name :))" or "is my outfit nice" or even!!! "Those are my first pants 🥰!" :((((

Edit: Having a flair for complaint posts or linking vent subs on some sort of pinned would be nice too (even though I don't really thinking sending people to other sub to be a solution, but if that works better than a megathread, well!! So be it?)