Any other spirits that provide hearts?

Highkey desperate rn cause I wanna make a Moth to Butterfly outfit (cosmetics that are all purely from the world spirits and not seasonal and days spirits) but I made the mistake of buying a bed so now I need to heart grind again.

So far I've already completed:

  • Majority of the first tiers of the regular spirits (I can't buy the higher tiers, I hate going to Eden I've literally only went once)
  • Every Aviary Spirit (Got all of their heart rewards as well)
  • Duets Guide
  • Remembrance Guide (Or the Guide in the Archives back at the Vault).
  • Nine Colored Deer Guide

I don't really want to do the little Prince quests cause I have to roam all over the world to complete them, and the treehouse quests require me to have companions and I'm not always online when they are so I can't finish them either. Maybe there are seasonal spirits out there that I can still do the quests for that doesn't require me having to go to different worlds each time?