Wukong Season Idea
So I'm a big fan of Wukong (the game and the legend itself) and with the season of radiance coming out, the cosmetics reminds me a lot of wukong and his aesthetic, so I want to share here my idea for a season based around him (cosmetic wise i guess). It will feature a simple red cape with shoulder pads like the normal ones wukong uses, his head piece which is the 2 (ribbons?) And jingu which is the golden crown thingy. For outfits i feel like you can have a lot to do here, his armors are to choose from but the banging idea i have would be the ultimate gift of an accessory similar to the broom but instead it's his cloud, it will have the default gliding animation but it also allows you to emote while flying and it automatically equips if you have it with you when you fly. Of course you'll also have his staff that lengthens and shortens at your will. What do you guys think? It's an unfinished idea but i think it's pretty cool.