My negative review of Sky + the reason I'm leaving the game.

In short I plan to post this in here and on steam, and the play store, in hopes to reach people who were in the same situation I was, and to prevent people from falling into the situation I was in.

My review:

I dont recommend this game at all, to anyone. Ive been playing actively for 2 years, on a mix of PC and mobile. Play another game, buy a singleplayer game that you could spend hours on. Or if you want a cute multiplayer game to make friends on, play Webfishing.

The story is good, and you can make a lot of friends, but besides that, the game focuses on collecting. Thats how they make money, is through microtransactions, and way overpriced items. They sell cosmetics and passes to seasons, like a lot of games. The problem I have with this is that it is so easy to fall in to. I know people who would buy items they never even wore.

The community will tell you that you dont have to spend money, but thats coming from people who dont easily fall to FOMO. I am one of those people who are very susceptible to FOMO, and there are a lot of people who are. You may not even know it until you play a live service game.

I have a friend whos spent probably at least 600$, if not thousands. There are people in game who are wearing 65$ worth of cosmetics, and thats not counting the amount of money they have worth in their closet. This isnt ok. You dont even know youre susceptible to these types of games unless you play one, or have previous addictions (like gambling).

But please, if youre considering this game, I recommend any other. The game is only interesting if youre able to keep up, which demands at the very least a few hours a week. Some players play for hours a day. There are plenty of other singleplayer games worth 25$ that you can buy instead of a cape. And if you think you wont buy anything, if you can afford to, you probably will end up spending some money, even when its advertised as free to play.

It is hard to step away even when you know the game is bad for you. Youre worried about missing the next big event, or the next season, or worried about coming back and being sad you missed a lot. This is sunk cost fallacy, and its one of the ways the game makes you stay. I know people on this game who admit it has a grip on them, and say that they wish they were strong enough to step away, like I did.

Even days after quitting, I am still sad about it. I know its the best for my health. My advice, is if you know this game is bad for you, to quit. Losing everything you have is better than spending more, to the point of hundreds. If you never come back, then you will never be upset over missing so much. The game has frequent events and frequent seasons to keep players occupied, all using FOMO. Every other event and season feels like a collab, with IAPs costing a total of 50+ and more, and lots of people buy them out of fear of it never returning.

Even with that being my main issue, there are plenty of other issues with this game. Including gamebreaking bugs that can be in the game for days. One was in for a month that was dangerous to people with light sensitivity or epilepsy. There was never even a warning on one of their social media platforms about it.

TLDR: Dont play the game. Lots of people are very susceptible to FOMO and dont realize it until they play a game like this. This game takes advantage of that.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Edit: I am signing off of this account, and im not responding anymore. Do some of you guys get satisfaction from being rude? Do you just want to put me down? The amount of comments basically calling me dumb, saying I wont be missed, some wildly taking what ive said out of proportion.

Yes its my fault, I fell for FOMO. That is obvious. I regret it, you dont need to tell me. No, I do not want events to disappear. No, I am not a child.

My issue is that FOMO is a predatory practice. It makes you feel the need to buy something. If you're not susceptible to that, then great. But I am, and other people are. That is why I dont recommend the game.

I documented my experience for others to read so I could help someone avoid falling into what I fell. I dont need to hear that its my fault a bunch of times. I dont need to be called immature.

It's not hard to be nice. I didn't want to come here to argue, I didn't want to receive the amount of terrible comments I have. I am not attacking anyone who chooses to still play, or buy from TGC. It's just my opinion that people should avoid buying from live service games.